30 Days/30 Days & Perfect Foods Bar Review

Review: Perfect Foods Bar Lite – Cranberry Crunch ( www.perfectfoodsbar.com )

Perfect Foods Bar Lite

Perfect Foods Bar Lite

Wow, what an interesting bar! Despite the name, this neither had a strong cranberry flavor or crunch, but it was still good! The main flavors are puffed rice & peanut butter with a slight touch of honey. However, this bar packs a plethora of other good-for-you ingredients including, but not limited to: rose-hip, orange, lemon, grapefruit, tomato, apple, bell pepper, papaya, mango, black cherry, cranberry, alfalfa, celery, spinach, parsley, mint, kelp, dulse… all organic! I couldn’t taste any of those things, but it made me happy to know that all those goodies were in there!


  • Gluten Free
  • Soy Free (great for those doing the Cleaner Life Month challenge)
  • 172 Calories
  • 3g Fiber
  • 9g Protein
  • 8g Healthy Fat
Closeup of Texture

Closeup of Texture

Some downfalls is that this bar is a bit crumbly, which makes eating on the move fairly difficult. It also needs to stay refrigerated, which would make it hard to take along on hikes (although I doubt it would spoil right away). Also, it did not satisfy my hunger like other bars. An hour later and I was hungry again! Most other bars will keep me full for around 2 1/2 hours or so.

Overall it was interesting, and if you are looking for a change of pace and like peanut butter, you might find this bar worthwhile. With so many other bars on the market, this one probably won’t make the regular rotation in our house though.

30 Days Part 1:

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

Now let’s talk shred! I started The 30-Day Shred and completed 3 consecutive days so far. I will be the first to admit that I suck at ab work. Even though core strength is essential, I usually avoid any ab work, making that portion of the workout difficult (for me). Others might have no problem with it. The other moves were fairly easy… yes I did sweat and did feel my muscles, but it was not as scary as I thought it was going to be. The next day I was pretty sore, but doing it again actually made me feel better. I’m a little unsure about how good it is to do the exact same workout, working the exact same muscles 10 days in a row. (The plan is to do 3 levels – each 10 days straight.) Maybe my thoughts are old school, but I’d normally alternate muscle groups and give a day of rest. What are your thoughts?

In addition to doing L1D3, went on a 1 hour 10 minute hike (yipee!) in the canyons (lots of stairs surprisingly), and a 30 minute run later in the day. It was just so nice out!

I’ll do my best to do this all 30 days straight, and post my results. The DVD says you’ll lose “up to 20 pounds in 30 days”, which if I lost 20, I’d be underweight, so I think this is aimed more towards heavier people. The results I want are to simply tone up, feel stronger & if I lose a few pounds or inches, that’s a bonus.

30 Days Part 2:

Almond Milk Awaiting Amazing Grass

Almond Milk Awaiting Amazing Grass

AMAZING GRASS! I am joining others in the 30-Day Grass Challenge! Okay, I tried a few other flavors, but my taste buds are just not liking the pure green wheat grass flavors. (Maybe in time.) But the chocolate ones are good! I got a 30-day supply of Green SuperFood . At $25, it is pricey, but then again I’ve been cutting down my morning coffee trips, and I hardly ever go out for lunch, so 83ยข a day is not that bad and I plan to try it for only one month (for now).

Since I am doing both The Shred & AG together, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to tell if any increased energy level is coming from the greens OR the extra burst of physical activity.

So those are my current two personal challenges. What challenges are you pursuing right now?

Leaving you with this random food photo from today’s eats. It is a Balsamic Strawberry & Mozzarella Salad.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Balsamic Strawberry & Mozzarella Salad

Balsamic Strawberry & Mozzarella Salad

Mix balsamic w/evoo and s&p and mix with romaine, berries, mozzarella chunks & shredded basil! Such a happy spring salad. ๐Ÿ™‚

5 responses to this post.

  1. hey i just bought a perfect bar like an hour ago! i almost got this light one you reviewed, but i went for the PB! i haven’t tried it yet. thanks for the review on this one though. i have been doing the shred, i enjoy it! i will have to check out the AG challenge, i haven’t heard of this. thanks for posting!


  2. Just came across your site ๐Ÿ™‚ I love love love straweberries in salad and yours looks gorgeous! It looks so summery too โค That amazing grass looks soooo interesting


  3. Yes, the chocolate flavor is my favorite as well! I really like the berry flavor too. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great night!


  4. I really want to try a Perfect Bar – for some reason they just intrigue me! Good luck with your two challenges!!

    That salad looks like a fantastic summer meal ๐Ÿ™‚


  5. I know what you mean about the 30 day shred, I am on day 22 and I can see major changes in my body, and have lost about 4 lbs. Keep it up. Oh and your pictures are great!


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